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ARTE VIVA: Prototype for art education in open spaces in the city - BArch Final Thesis

Author: Amanda Camara / Advisor: Ana Rolim

Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP), Brazil

The central research inquiry explores how art can transcend street art to resonate with a diverse audience, while investigating how exhibition architecture can enhance interaction and strengthen the connection between art and the public within existing urban spaces. This theme advocates for the promotion of art and architecture in Brazilian cities, emphasizing their social function in fostering integration between artists and the community. As part of this initiative, a prototype for mobile, itinerant, and adaptable art exhibitions is proposed, inspired by the geometric elements found in the works of renowned Brazilian neo-concrete artists Hélio Oiticica and Lygia Clark. The city of Recife emerges as the ideal testing ground for this concept, specifically targeting neighborhoods distinguished by their cultural landmarks and venues, such as museums, galleries, and performance spaces, which currently lack adequate infrastructure to support art exhibitions.

All four prototypes and the strategies for visitors' path

Project references

The four conceptual pillars for the prototypes inspired by works of art by Helio Oiticica.

Interpreting the works of Brazilian neo-concrete artists Hélio Oiticica and Lygia Clark: Eden (Oiticica, 1969), The House is a Body (Lygia Clark, 1968) and Penetrable Filter (Oiticica, 1972)

Overall project guidelines

Tropicalia prototype - floor plan and isometric perspective with partial roof

Tropicalia prototype - floor plan and isometric perspective with roof

The Tropicalia prototype inserted in Marco Zero public space in historic Bairro do Recife.

Tropicalia prototype activated by users

Tropicalia prototype as a support for works realized during art education initiatives

Detail of Tropicalia prototype

The parangole prototype

Parangole prototype inserted into a public space in Murillo La Greca Museum

The prototype serves as a supportive tool generated by museum visitors engaged in art education initiatives.

Parangole can host music performances

The Nucleus prototype - floor plan and isometric perspective

The Eden prototype

Eden prototype inserted in Bairro do Recife's Marco Zero public space

The Eden prototype as support for art and social interaction

The Eden prototype inserted in a shared street in historic Bairro do Recife neighborhood

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